Powerful Song Aims to Give Animals a Voice in Eurovision 2020

An amazing animal-rights song is in the top 7 finalists to represent the Czech Republic in Eurovision 2020. If enough people vote for it until Sunday, it will continue to compete in the popular event!
Luckily for the animals, not only Czech citizens are allowed to vote. People from all countries can vote by downloading the Eurovision App, free of charge and without providing any personal details.
URGENT! Vote for this song to compete in Eurovision 2020:
Voting ends on Sunday, February 2, 2020, at 20:00 CET.
- Download the Eurovision App (no need to register, the app can be deleted immediately after voting).
- Vote for “We All Poop” (name of the band).
Can you imagine having this song compete in the Eurovision, the event that captures the attention of Millions and Millions of people? The event that is covered by MAINSTREAM media, all over the world?
This is a unique opportunity to get the vegan message to the MAINSTREAM. Let’s make the animals the focal point of this popular event!
The Band
The band decided to go with the humoristic name "We All Poop" because of its simple "truth". The members of the band are Jakub, Šimon, Michal, and Vojta. Jakub, who is the singer, is also the co-founder of Farma Naděje, an animal sanctuary in the Cezque Republic.
Very powerful video. Thank you for doing it. Good luck!!
I’m over here in tears this means so much
Yes, the Eurovision! Good idea!
But is there another way to vote? Cos I can’t have any other applications!!
You can delete the app immediately after voting.
For the beautiful innocent feeling animals
Thank you SO MUCH for this Animal Rights song!!May mankind All over The World GO VEGAN!
Thank you for this strong massage !
Go Vegan please
Great song and video with message
Prvič nekaj neverjetno dobrega, poučnega….brez besed….upam,da zmagajo.
So strong!!i like it
Amazing!!!So strong!!!Only truth and nothing but the truth.
Vegan for the animals
Love the song/video. Amazing message. Vote. Austin Save the Animals, save the Planet, “Have a Heart” http://www.CobaltBlueGraphics.com
Love it!!!
Wow! What a stellar tune! More vegan cringe, bound to win(eye roll).
I have x2 Vegan anthems but need help to air them.
All for animals
This needs to be seen! Amazing message .
Brilliant. So proud to be Vegan ❤️
Go for the win!!!
I hope it wins from the bottom of my heart
One of the best vegan songs though I have difficulty hearing/ understanding all the words which is a shame. I would like to use it during a cube outreach later today. and future outreach events. Could anyone let me have transcript of words for me and all those who have hearing issues or are deaf? Thank you
Hi Jane!
Here are the song’s lyrics:
The further I go on the road,
the more I´ve seen you in the pain
and from your pain that I’ve seen,
rise all these feelings in me.
I can’t take no more.
On I go and try to ignore them,
do some other random shit and
there’s nothing wrong, I’m just O.K.
No matter how it feels like,
no matter what I feel.
All the blood that runs
while this show is still on.
I try not to see while I’m having fun,
take my eyes away
and it’s gonna be alright.
“The more your pain I ignore,
the less of human’s in me.”
The further I go on the road,
the more I learn to ignore myself,
and all your pain that I feel,
is way too much over the top so,
I pretend it’s fine,
but I know it´s just not to show,
I´m not sure I know, how long I can go.
You can run, but you can’t hide.
There’s no turning away.
No matter how hard you’ve tried.
I´m so sorry to say.
All the blood that runs
while the show is still on.
I try to not to see,
it’s getting hard not to do so
take your eyes away,
then it must be alright.
“The less your pain I ignore,
the more of human’s in me.”
You can get through life
and wait for the time to decide.
Your way of how you go by,
before you die, say goodbye!
All the blood that runs
while this show is still on.
Those who bleed the most,
are the ones, that are weak.
You can call your mum,
hope it´s gonna be alright.
Running out of time.
We need this out there now !!
this is amazing!!! #veganpower
I would support this 100% , the world needs more compassion xx
Txn guys
Perfect! You go, guys!
And thank You! <3
I ❤ the Czech Republic
OMG brilliant!!!!
Oh my goodness so moving! Let’s hope it wins and show people what animals go through!!
Everything for the non human animals