Novak Djokovic is Vegan: Here’s the Proof

Novak Djokovic is Vegan: Here's the Proof

Despite mainstream media citing outdated information from 2013, recent evidence confirms that Novak Djokovic follows a vegan diet.

Novak Djokovic, widely regarded as the greatest tennis player of all time, continues to dominate tennis at the age of 36. His commitment to a plant-based, vegan diet is a significant factor contributing to his enduring success. In this article, we present concrete evidence affirming Djokovic's vegan diet. We aim to dispel outdated misinformation kept alive by some media outlets, mainly from Djokovic's 2013 book.

Why Novak Djokovic Adopted a Vegan Diet

Djokovic's shift toward a vegan diet is driven by his relentless pursuit of peak performance. Like many, his diet as a child consisted lots of animal products. But as his tennis career soared, he recognized the vital role of nutrition in enhancing recovery and endurance during demanding matches.

In late 2010, Djokovic took a significant step by eliminating gluten and dairy from his diet. Then, in the midst of 2015, he firmly decided to adopt a plant-based diet. The results were spectacular, with Djokovic achieving the grand feat of winning all four major titles in succession. His passion for plant-based eating ran so deep that in 2016, he even entered the culinary world, opening a vegan restaurant in Monte Carlo, his residence at the time.

Novak Djokovic - Vegan Restaurant

Novak Djokovic and his wife, Jelena, launched a vegan restaurant in 2016.

Setting the Record Straight: Djokovic's Present Diet

Addressing media misinformation is crucial. They often refer to Djokovic's 2013 dietary choices in his book "Serve to Win," when discussing his current eating habits.

A simple Google search using the phrase "bread or crackers with avocado and tuna" as extracted from his book, will reveal numerous recent articles. These articles falsely mention this outdated information.

Yet, Djokovic's dietary evolution has been substantial since then.

When Marian Vajda returned to coach Novak in 2018, he and his team asked Novak to add animal protein to his diet. Their position was that one cannot compete at the highest levels without it. This is when Djokovic agreed to start eating fish again. In July 2018, Vajda shared with Denník Šport that up until then, his diet was strictly plant-based.

However, there are multiple signs that this period of reintroducing fish into his diet did not last long:

1. Djokovic's Personal Confirmation:

In early 2020, Novak Djokovic left little doubt when he told Graham Bensinger that he had removed all animal products from his diet:

"That was the initial point of the journey that got me to to the point where I am at the moment, where I'm eating plant-based. Where I'm not eating any animal products."

Right afterward, Djokovic goes on and tells Graham what he eats on a typical day. All the foods he mentions are entirely plant-based.

2. Jelena Djokovic's Affirmation:

In May 2021, Novak's wife, Jelena Djokovic, told channel K1 that both she and Novak follow a vegan diet:

"Novak is an even bigger perfectionist; he knows his body best, and no one can force him to do something. He did not become vegan because of me. Novak is the best in the world; he is a champion; he is alone on the court, and no one can force him to do something. We are a team. I did not push him to do something, nor did he push me. We explored everything together. He was the first to go vegan."

3. Witness Account of Strictly Vegan Food:

At the Tel Aviv Watergetn Open in September 2022, a Ynet reporter gathered direct information about Djokovic's dietary choices from a hotel employee. All the meals Djokovic ordered at the hotel were entirely vegan.

4. Absence of Animal Product References:

One of the most compelling proofs is the lack of any sources since 2018 that imply Djokovic consumes any form of animal products. This absence over such a long period of time strengthens the validity of what is being said in sections 1, 2, and 3.

Novak Djokovic's Vegan Journey: Beyond Health

To conclude this piece, let's end with two other signs of Djokovic's commitment to a vegan lifestyle:

  • His role as an executive producer of the pro-vegan documentary "Game Changers."
  • His words in a press conference at the 2020 Australian Open. Watch the video below to see Djokovic not only delve into the health aspect but also discuss the environment and ethics.

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