The Devastating Consequences of Animal Agriculture on Earth
This mesmerizing video brings a gloomy picture of how animal agriculture is destroying the environment and changing life on Earth.
- Almost 1/3 of Earth's land is used for animal agriculture.
- Tha Amazone is being destroyed for meat productions.
- Wild animals are losing their homes.
- Animal agriculture is using 20%-30% of all freshwater.
- Fertile land is turning into desert.
- Animal waste is polluting water sources & land.
- 18% of greenhouse gas emissions come from animal agriculture.
- More than all transportation combined (13%).
- Industrial fishing is emptying the oceans.
We only have one home, let's protect it.
More important videos on this topic:
COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability Secret
A fierce documentary that follows Kip as he discovers the hazards caused by animal agriculture. His quest to understand why environmental organizations hide this information will shock you.
Planet Earth
"This is the video future generations will be wishing everyone watched today."
~ Leonardo DiCaprio
An eye-opening documentary that explains what life may be like in the year 2050 if we continue business as usual.
The Devastating Consequences of Animal Agriculture on Earth
A breathtaking video that brings a gloomy picture of how animal agriculture is destroying the environment and changing life on Earth.