Female Calves Killed with Hammers: A Dark Side of Dairy

This devastating footage of female calves being abused and killed was taken at E6 Cattle Company, a dairy operation facility in Texas, USA.

All of the female calves in the video were taken from their mothers at birth. Sadly, this horrible practice of taking babies away from their mothers, takes place in all dairy farms in order to prevent the babies from nursing. Being that dairy farms are in the business of selling cow milk, the babies are never allowed to feed on it.

As a result of not being able to nurse, many baby calves get sick and don't develop properly. In this footage we can see how the weak babies are being dragged by their ears, left to slowly die without any veterinary care or bashed in the heads with hammers and pickaxes. 4 calves were rescued and transferred to The Gentle Barn sanctuary.

In addition, thanks to this investigation by Mercy for Animals, the owner of the facility received the maximum fine of $4000 for this type of animal cruelty, in addition to receiving a 1 year probation. Needless to say, he was able to continue working with calves and recover the small losses quickly. As soft as this punishment is, it’s actually one of the rare cases where abuse of farmed animals was punished.

Luckily, we don’t have to rely on the legal system to help these miserable animals. By not eating dairy products, you are ensuring that less baby calves will end up in places like this one. In essence, every meal makes a difference in animals’ lives. All we need to do is decide what kind of difference we want to make.

In order to make this world a kinder place for mothers and babies, please give vegan food a try. For an easy start, join Challenge 22 to get free guidance and support for 22 days.

More videos about the dairy industry:

Largest "Humane" Dairy Farm Exposed for Torturing Baby Animals

The largest dairy in the U.S. is trying to portray itself as humane. The reality, however, can not be further than this.

Shooting Baby Calves to Death

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Udder Flaming of Mother Cows

Why would farmers place fire up against the udders of cows? This vile practice, as well as other practices, make the life of cows a living hell.

The Routine Torture of Cows Behind Dairy Products

The reality that the dairy industry tries to paint in their TV ads can not be further from the truth.

The Reality Behind Organic Farms

There are no happy cows in the dairy industry, and this also includes organic farms. The truth is far beyond horrific.

Slaughter of Pregnant Cows

Did you know dairy farms send cows to their death when they are still pregnant? This is without doubt one of the darkest secrets of the dairy industry.

Baby Cows Slaughtered in Front of Each Other

This Swiss abattoir stabs calves in front of each other in order to sell their flesh as "humane meat".

Female Baby Cows Tortured and Left to Freeze to Death

Before they become milk machines: The brutal lives of female calves on dairy farms.

Baby Goats Killed with a Bolt Gun

Why are healthy baby goats killed with a bolt gun and thrown to the trash? Watch the hideous violence behind milk & cheese.

Baby Goats Beaten to Death in front of their Mothers

Watch how workers club day-old baby goats to death since they can't produce milk.

Calf Slaughter - The Killing of Baby Cows

Even though it sounds insane, the killing of calves is essential for the production of dairy and meat. The images are hard to watch, but it is vital that people see them.

Pregnancy at Slaughter - Horrific Reality

It's hard to believe, but what you are about to see is an integral part of the dairy industry.

How the Dairy Industry Imprisons Baby Cows

A drone reveals where dairy farms keep the calves soon after kidnapping them from their moms. As can be seen, their fate is pure misery.

What Workers Do When They Think Nobody's Looking

You won't believe how this dairy farm in Ohio treats cows and calves unless you see it.  Sadly, these images are anything but rare.

Heartbreaking: The Truth about Goat Milk

Imagine giving birth to your first baby, only to have him snatched away from you shortly after he's born.

Sheep Milk: Kidnapping Babies from Mothers

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Baby Cow - The Shocking Reality

You won't believe what 4-day-old calves go through on dairy farms unless you see it with your own eyes.

Dairy is Scary! As Explained by Erin Janus

The dairy industry explained in just 5 minutes. All in all, this is one of the best videos on the topic.