How U.S. Farms Roasted Animals Alive During COVID-19

How U.S. Farms Roasted Animals Alive During COVID-19

Can you imagine being slowly roasted alive while you’re trapped in a place that is completely sealed? Can you imagine being fully conscious as you die with thousands who are in the same situation as you are? When everyone around you is equally trapped, equally powerless. To have to hear their screams of desperation and…

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Heartbreaking: A Year Later, Goose Still Waits for Spouse who was Killed

Heartbreaking: Goose Waits Day After Day For Spouse Who Was Killed

Meet Pat, the Canada goose who is breaking the heart of workers in an office building in Portland, United States. It all started when a group of Canada geese, comprised of many couples, decided to stop outside the office building that’s in front of a lake. The geese were there to rest as they were making their annual journey from a cold winter to a hotter climate.

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8 Things Done to Mother Animals That We’d Never Dream of Doing to the Most Evil Criminals

Things Done to Mother Animals - Mother Cow

When we think of mothers, care, concern and selfless love come to mind. Most of us would never want to hurt a mother, human or not, not to mention to torture her.

However, when it comes to our food choices, many of us pay other people to torture mother animals and their babies in the most horrific ways. The following examples are just some of the things that are done to mother animals in order to produce meat, dairy or eggs.

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