Can You Imagine Being in the Animals' Place?

Can You Imagine Being in the Animals' Place?

This heart touching video tries to shed some light on the tragic lives of so many animals around the world. As humans, we tend to have many excuses for why we should continue to hurt animals for our pleasure, but what does our heart say? When we put ourselves in their place, does it feel like the right thing?

Let's open our hearts to all animals. Let's not do to them, what we wouldn't want done to us.

More powerful animal rights clips:

A Loving Hand

With their eyes, the animals heading to slaughter tell activists their sad stories. An incredibly powerful video!

Tearful Animals

How does it feel to be taken to the most terrifying place invented by humanity? Such a powerful video.

Casa de Carne (Short film)

This award-winning short film will leave most viewers speechless and with a lot to think about.


Produced by Mercy For Animals, this powerful piece manages to touch the heart deeply.

Through Their Eyes

A shocking video that captures the horrors baby chicks endure on their first day of life - THROUGH THEIR EYES.

The Ultimate Evil

With poignant words, coming straight from his heart, David Coles is able to make us see our actions for what they are.

Could You Imagine Yourself in Their Place?

A short video that manages to touch the heart deeply.

Just Babies - How Humanity Treats Baby Animals

The heartbreaking reality of baby animals inside the meat, dairy and egg industries.


When the ones who fed you send you to slaughter... A sad and highly emotional video.

Animals Ask Humans: What Are We?

This powerful video raises the question animals should be asking humans: What are we?

COVID-19: The Other Side of the Story

For us it was temporary, but what about the other animals?

Farm to Fridge - 4 Minute Version

The short version of Mercy For Animals' landmark documentary, reveals the unbearable reality behind animal products.

Mind-Blowing Pig Intelligence

Just how smart pigs are? The cleverness of these pigs will blow your mind!

The Last Breaths

How would you feel knowing something horrible is coming? A powerful video.

How Much Animals Want To Live?

This incredible video shows how much animals want to live.

Heroic Animals

This extraordinary video features animals risking their own lives to try and save their loved ones from a dangerous situation.

Can You See The World Through Their Eyes?

This short video deeply moves the heart by showing how much sorrow we cause other animals.

The White Cow

The story of the white cow is one of the most powerful stories ever told. This video will change your entire perception of meat.

You Eat Other Animals? (Short film)

What would aliens think about us humans, if they learned we torture other animals and eat them?

Factory Farming: The Truth is Hard to Swallow

This powerful ad left a lot of viewers in shock while it played in movie theaters.

Animals Are Not Things (Graphic)

Animals Are Not Things is a shocking video about our treatment of other animals.

Food For Thought (Short film)

From the same team as Casa de Carne, this short film delivers a powerful message in a brilliant way.

The Brutal Lives of Mother Pigs

The unimaginable lives of mother pigs in 60 seconds.

The Hellish Lives of Hens on Egg Farms

The unimaginable lives of hens on egg farms in 60 seconds.

Hug a Dog - Animal Asking for Love

A beautiful video that delivers a message of compassion in a creative way.

Animals Mourn

Do animals mourn the loss of their loved ones?

How Will Humanity View Animal Slavery in 100 Years?

Speculating the future, this video article examines how society's perception of animal slavery may change over the next century.

The Hidden Lives of Hens

This amazing video shows the natural and normal needs of hens. These needs are never met during their tragic lives in the egg industry.

Real-life Animal Heroes

These animals are so courageous, they make action movie actors look like amateurs.

We Made Them Helpless

An eye-opening video about the shocking methods that humans use to make farmed animals weak and helpless.

3 Historical Human Atrocities That Are Now Legal Toward Animals

Highlighting 3 historical human atrocities condemned when victims were humans, but shockingly legalized and perpetrated against other species.

The Lesson We Have Yet To Learn From COVID-19

A reflection on how our behavior towards other animals compares to what Covid-19 did to us.

Can You Imagine Being in the Animals' Place?

This heart touching video sheds some light on the tragic lives of so many animals around the world.

5 Unimaginable Scenarios from Inside a Slaughterhouse

This powerful video features five real scenarios that routinely happen in slaughterhouses.

Last Moment of Grace

Watch the incredible, yet heart-breaking moment of a baby cow reuniting with his mother after they were separated.

Earthlings - Unofficial Trailer

A spectacular trailer for maybe the most powerful documentary of all time.

The Fate of Male Baby Calve in the Dairy Industry

This heart touching video doesn't show how the short lives of male calves end, but it does raise a vital question.

Here's to Moms

Dedicated to mother's day, this video from Mercy For Animals will touch your heart deeply.

A Parallel World - If Animals Acted Like Humans

Powerful art shows us what it's like to be an animal in today's world.

Can you Guess what these Girls are Watching?

Watch how young teenagers react when they see for the first time the inside of factory farms. This brilliant video went viral and was watched by millions.

I'd Love To Eat Meat Again

Ninja Warrior winner, Tim Shieff, speaks from the heart and touches the soul deeply.

My Story

The heart touching story of a mother whose baby was taken away from her.

The Life of a Chicken

The life of a chicken raised for meat, from the chicken’s point of view.

The Life of a Dairy Cow

Learn about the life of dairy cows, through the eyes of one dairy cow.

The Life of a Mother Pig

Learn about the life of mother pigs from one pig's point of view.

Dominion Trailer

A powerful trailer for an extraordinary documentary.

Standard Practice

Everything you're about to witness in this powerful video is considered standard & acceptable by the industry.

Animals Are Not Trash

Animals Are Not Trash gives a shocking look about the ways we treat other animals.

I Am...

A heart touching short video about the ways we, humans, see animals.

You Would Never Do This Yourself

An emotional video about 6 things we will never do to animals.

The Story of a Newborn Piglet

A heart touching video about a piglet who got stuck in a gate on a pig farm in Germany.

Crushing Baby Chicks in India

The heartbreaking story of male chicks in India's egg industry.

Why Vegan?

Abrilliant video that covers some of the reasons why the word "vegan" can evokes such emotional responses.

Bacon in Reverse

Produced by PETA, this short clip uses creativity to reveal where bacon comes from.

Glass of Milk in Reverse

Produced by PETA, this short clip uses creativity to reveal where milk comes from.

Chicken in Reverse

Produced by PETA, this short video reveals where chicken wings and chicken nuggets come from in a unique way.

Peace on Earth

We humans constantly speak and pray for peace on earth. But are our actions aligned with this prayer?

All Babies

All babies want to play, learn and love. Will we be kind enough to allow them to fulfill their needs?

The Madness Behind Animal Slaughter

What exactly do we pay for when we buy meat? The words of Gary Yourofsky are so powerful.

Bearing Witness to Pigs - Animal Save Movement

In memory of Regan Russell, this heartfelt video features the peaceful act of bearing witness to pigs.

Thousand Eyes

Produced by Farm Transparency Project, this powerful video can encourage any viewer to take action to end the injustice towards animals.

HIDE (Short film)

From the same director as Casa de Carne, this short film delivers an important message in a powerful way.

In Every Way That Matters

Produced by Mercy For Animals, this heart touching video makes a powerful comparison between companion animals and farmed animals.